UF Two Bees in a Podcast
The episodes below are new since our last post! Each episode is listed below with their short descriptions. Want to just go to the playlist? Here’s the link: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ufhbrel/episodes/Episode-179-Colony-Size–Rather-Than-Geographic-Origin-of-Stocks-e2nknf3
Episode 180: Wild Honey Bee Colonies and Research in South Africa
In this episode of Two Bees in a Podcast, released on September 3, 2024, Dr. Jamie Ellis and Amy Vu welcome back Kaylin Kleckner—a PhD candidate at the Honey Bee Research and Extension Laboratory at the University of Florida—to talk about wild honey bee colonies as well as some specific research she is doing in South Africa. This episode concludes with a Q&A segment. Check out our website: www.ufhoneybee.com, for additional resources from today’s episode. https://open.spotify.com/episode/0Olmhuk2qVLAvkCx4EKdTo?si=hzeYjmCwTuqERTn8eBzGlg
Episode 181: Nano Colonies
In this episode of Two Bees in a Podcast, released on September 10, 2024, Dr. Jamie Ellis and Amy Vu welcome Dr. Zac Lamas—a NIFA Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. Jay Evans’ Laboratory at the USDA ARS Bee Research Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland—to talk about his paper, “Nano Colonies: Rearing honey bee queens and their offspring in small laboratory arenas.” This episode concludes with a Q&A segment. Check out our website: www.ufhoneybee.com, for additional resources from today’s episode. https://open.spotify.com/episode/5NgN1qyWvWfbTTCitg4yE2?si=sN1KaRx8Rdqh4oItzO0_sQ
Episode 182: High Pesticide Exposure and Risk to Bees in Pollinator Plantings Adjacent to Conventionally Managed Blueberry Fields
In this episode of Two Bees in a Podcast, released on September 17, 2024, Dr. Jamie Ellis and Amy Vu welcome Dr. Kelsey Graham—a Research Entomologist with the USDA ARS Pollinating Insects, Biology, Management, & Systematics Research Unit in Logan, Utah—to talk about her paper, “High pesticide exposure and risk to bees in pollinator plantings adjacent to conventionally managed blueberry fields.” This episode concludes with a Q&A segment. Check out our website: www.ufhoneybee.com, for additional resources from today’s episode. https://open.spotify.com/episode/6A24BbNkXbvguc79MVhzbR?si=AlkP_JnYQ66qz2362ecMrA
Episode 183: Beescape
In this episode of Two Bees in a Podcast, released on September 24, 2024, Dr. Jamie Ellis and Amy Vu welcome Dr. Christina Grozinger—a Professor at Pennsylvania State University as well as the Director at the Center for Pollinator Research and the Center for Technology and Livings System—to talk Beescape. This episode concludes with a Q&A segment. Check out our website: www.ufhoneybee.com, for additional resources from today’s episode.