By: Alyssum Flowers
It is relatively easy to find blooming plants for sunny areas, but growing shade plants that provide food for pollinators can be difficult. Tradescantia, known as Spiderwort, Dayflower or Trinity Flower is an easy answer to offer color, interesting flowers and striking foliage contrast as well as nutrition for bees, butterflies, select beetles and syrphid flies and other pollinators.
Spiderworts are in the Commelinaceae (Dayflower) Family and native to the United States but have been naturalized worldwide. In fact, over seventy five species are known and have been found growing from southern Canada to South America! Some species tolerate moist woods, some tropical humidity and some arid, sandy conditions. Several are popular houseplants, such as Moses-in-the-Boat and Wandering Jew. The genus is named after John Tradescant (1608-1662) who served as gardener to Charles I of England. The origin of the name “Spiderwort” has two explanations. It may be derived from the resin secreted from a cut stem, that once hardened, becomes threadlike and thought to resemble a spider web; or another suggestion is that when looking down at the flower with the alternating leaves beneath it, resembles a spider squatting.
The species found in Eastern United States are Tradescantia ohiensis (called Bluejacket), T. subaspera (zigzag spiderwort) and Virginia spiderwort (T. virginiana), which are used to cultivate numerous varieties for gardens. Native Americans used Virginia spiderwort to treat illnesses such as stomach aches and cancer. The Native Americans gave pieces of the fleshy root to early settlers in the 1600’s to grow for medicinal purposes, however some research shows that it is mildly toxic for humans to eat. Interestingly, the fuzzy filamentous hairs in the center of the flowers turn from blue to pink when exposed to low levels of nuclear radiation, so perhaps we should all grow some of these useful plants!
Tradescantia varieties developed for the United States grow well in moist, shaded areas with loamy, rich soil but can easily adapt to home gardens, naturalized areas, rain gardens or along garden pathways. It is impressive in mass plantings or in border gardens, although it mixes well with bushy plants, especially in mid-Summer when it can get leggy in hot Summer sun.
The flowers of spiderwort are as unusual as the one inch wide, 12-18” long grass-like leaves folded lengthwise that taper to a point. The leaves can be bright green or olive green, variegated, gold or lavender and clasp the flowering stems. The clump-like plants display three petaled flowers forming a triangle, with cultivars available in deep or light blue, lavender or pure white – truly spectacular! In partial shade, these gems will continue to bloom from Summer to Fall. In deeper shade, they may have fewer flowers. Keep in mind that each flower lasts one day, then fades and eventually forms a three lobed seed pod, which is as unique as the rest of the plant. Like most perennials, if the spent flowers are removed, the plants will continue to bloom with gusto. If they receive too much sun, the leaves may burn and die. Mow the plants at the highest cutting height in mid-Summer to encourage new growth and renewed flowering.
Although the species Tradescantia are commonly grown, many cultivars offering multiple color combinations, sizes and growth habits are available for your designing pleasure. Tradescantia ‘Charlotte’s Web’ PPAF (U.S. plant patent applied for or pending) is one of the favorite cultivars and was planted at the A.I. Root Company in Medina, Ohio. The lime green leaves emerge in early Spring and become more golden as the Summer progresses. The true-blue flowers which appear in June, are a stunning contrast against the golden leaves. This cultivar grows 16-18” tall and spreads about two feet. Hardy in most Northeastern regions, it grows in Hardiness Zones three to nine. “Bilberry Ice” sports pure white flowers with deep blue pollen filaments, while “Purple Heart” has purple leaves and violet petals.
Enjoy these beauties in your yard and wait for the pollinators to arrive! Although Tradescantia will self seed, you can also cut sections of the root with a sharp shovel, once the plants are mature enough that side shoots begin to emerge from the stem. Make these splits in Spring or Fall when the soil is moist, then plant as soon as possible to prevent the roots from drying, and share with fellow gardeners. Hassle free and deer resistant, spiderwort will be an easy and unusual addition to any moist, shaded area of the yard.