SBGMI Free Live Pre-Conference Webinar The Northern Queen Initiative with James Lee

Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 7:00PM – 9:00PM (EST)

This is a free event with donations optional. All proceeds go toward beekeeper education, future speaker events, and further development and outreach efforts of the SBGMI. This event is occurring in anticipation of the 2025 4th Annual Virtual Winter Conference on 2.22.25.

James Lee is the President of the Sustainable Beekeepers Guild of Michigan, a virtual educational organization with over 730 local and international members. He is also the founder of the Northern Queen Initiative and owner of James Lee’s Bees in Romulus, MI where he lives with his wife Rachel and their 5 children. James manages 80-100 colonies pursuing sustainability in apiculture and produces nucs and queens with a focus on hardy Northern climate survivors selected for mite-resistance.

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