North Dakota Beekeepers Association 2024 Annual Meeting

Please accept our invitation to attend!

The North Dakota Beekeepers Assn. [NDBA] Annual Meeting will be Friday, September 27, in
Minot, N.D.: The Grand Hotel is the host facility.
701 852 3161 P.O. Box 777 1505 N. Broadway, Minot, 58703
Reservations locator: North Dakota Beekeepers Assn.

We have room for vendors, and the NDBA registration desk.
NDBA is charging a flat rate of $250 per vendor to help run the meeting.
If you wish to donate a $100 gift card for merchandise at your place of business, we can use a
few door prizes. There is no charge for the tables and chairs.

Each paying vendor receives one table. For some bee supply companies – this can be confining.

We look forward to a successful event. Minot is a beautiful city in September [unless it
blizzards]. Please contact us no later than August 1, 2022 to confirm your participation.

The weekend of September 27, 2024 is the same weekend as the Norst Hoosfest, an
international festival or Norwegian Culture. Hotels will be sold out. The cutoff date for
reservations is August 27, 2024.

Correspondence should be addressed to:
Melanie Freeman, NDBA
P.O. Box 55
Turtle Lake, ND 58575
Melanie Freeman
John Miller, President, NDBA

Matters to be covered include the 2025 Legislative Session, potential changes to the N.D. Bee
Law. Recall that in the N.D. Legislature, Policy is developed in the Agriculture Committee[s];
and the Funding supporting the Policy for matters with a fiscal note – are funded in the
Appropriations Committee[s].
If you have Bee Law suggestions for Legislative matters, have a Legislative sponsor.
I support a revision in the Honey Promotion assessment. Currently, the assessment is set at
.10/hive by Statute, with no provision for increases or decreases. During the business meeting,
the following language will be considered for adoption through resolution: “An annual
assessment is imposed on each colony of honeybees licensed by the beekeeper. The
Commissioner of Agriculture, in consultation with the North Dakota Beekeepers designated
representatives, may adjust the assessment by an amount not to exceed five cents in any
biennium.” The assessment has not changed in a decade.
Proposed Legislation is written by Legislative Counsel, upon submission from a sponsoring
Legislator. The Department will not take a position in favor or opposition to proposed
legislation – but it is important to keep the Department informed.
The Beekeepers, through the Honey Promotion Fund have the inside front cover of the 2024
N.D. Agriculture Magazine. We have several hundred Magazines available for events in your
area. In the North Central area, Melanie Freeman has about 60 copies. Tim Hiatt in the
Southwest district has about 60 copies. Several boxes of the Magazine are at the Ag
Department, at Ag West on Washington Street. Call ahead of time to make your request. The
Magazine is widely distributed across North Dakota. The Department bought 12,000 copies of
the magazine for Ag in the Classroom, The State Fair, NDSU campus building dedication – 500
copies went into the swag bags for the attendees in June, 2024.

We have nationally recognized speakers as you will see in the Program Draft.

Draft 2024 NDBA Program
September 27, 2024
Grand Hotel – Minot, N.D.
8:15 a.m. Opening
8:30 a.m. Samantha Brunner
9:00 a.m. 1st Reading of Resolutions
9:15 a.m. Zack Bateson
10:00 a.m. Recognize Canadian Attendees
10:15 a.m. Break
10:30 a.m. Sammy Ramsey
11:40 a.m. Lunch Buffet With Marla Spivak
1:10 p.m. Zach Lamas
2:00 p.m. Project Apis m.
2:45 p.m. Break
3:00 p.m. Garett Slater
3:50 p.m. Closing & Announcements
4:00 p.m. NDBA Business Meeting
Business Meeting Agenda Items:
Financial Statements. 2025 Legislative Session.
NDHPF Financials & Statute Revision.
NDBA BMP Adoption. 2025 Tri-State Meeting
No Banquet. No Hobbyist Component.
Silent Auction only. No Saturday activity.