June 2023 Regional Honey Price Report

June 2023 Regional Honey Price Report

Reporting Regions

Region 1
Region 2
Region 3
Region 4
Region 5
Region 6
Region 7
Extracted Honey Prices Sold Bulk to Packers or Processors
Last Month
Last Year
55 Gallon Drum – Light 3.06 2.20 3.44 2.95 2.69 2.75 3.50 2.00-4.25 3.05 3.05 2.86 2.48
55 Gallon Drum – Amber 2.96 2.83 3.00 2.90 3.55 3.43 2.00-5.45 3.07 3.07 2.82 2.39
60 Pound Light (Retail) 230.83 293.48 259.80 222.29 235.00 224.02 310.00 120.00-390.00 244.60 4.08 236.90 215.12
60 Pound Amber (Retail) 229.09 273.75 236.00 219.00 360.00 222.07 252.50 120.00-384.00 240.03 4.00 230.99 212.91
Wholesale Prices Sold to Stores or Distributors in Case Lots
1/2 Pound per Case of 24 107.28 112.80 122.00 98.88 64.80 90.00 64.80-200.00 105.81 8.82 103.35 98.62
1 Pound per Case of 24 166.47 184.80 188.00 136.67 160.06 136.92 144.00 96.00-384.00 161.15 6.71 166.29 148.92
2 Pound per Case of 12 155.06 192.00 185.80 124.95 173.76 151.50 156.00 84.00-384.00 155.04 6.46 149.41 142.26
12 Ounces Plastic per Case of 24 126.55 148.08 150.25 108.51 89.76 99.92 120.00 58.99-288.00 124.03 6.89 127.33 116.15
5 Pound per Case of 6 168.21 240.00 322.21 128.63 123.84 135.00 96.00-480.00 170.12 5.67 160.62 150.43
Quarts per Case of 12 217.17 203.71 187.33 183.02 192.18 184.44 216.00 120.00-330.00 197.91 5.50 200.09 169.10
Pints per Case of 12 119.25 124.80 110.67 105.68 99.00 135.00 60.00-180.00 114.29 6.35 119.51 95.00
Retail Shelf Prices
1/2 Pound 6.36 7.08 5.59 5.42 5.45 7.75 2.99-15.00 6.27 12.55 6.28 5.90
12 Ounces Plastic 8.13 8.07 8.01 7.23 7.25 6.89 6.38 2.99-12.00 7.76 10.34 7.56 6.89
1 Pound 10.39 11.79 10.86 8.21 10.53 8.83 8.00 5.79-20.00 10.23 10.23 10.09 9.05
2 Pound 17.72 20.30 18.81 15.91 21.55 16.70 17.50 7.89-32.00 18.01 9.01 17.41 16.14
Pint 12.69 12.87 11.45 12.00 11.38 17.33 12.50 7.00-25.00 12.49 8.33 12.56 11.97
Quart 22.79 23.13 21.23 21.14 19.32 20.60 23.10 10.00-42.00 21.90 7.30 21.97 20.50
5 Pound 35.77 39.60 46.58 31.99 29.43 36.50 16.99-80.00 36.51 7.30 36.56 34.08
1 Pound Cream 11.75 14.29 10.35 10.87 17.50 12.00 6.79-25.00 12.11 12.11 11.88 10.21
1 Pound Cut Comb 14.88 14.74 16.83 14.64 15.00 25.00 6.00-28.00 15.31 15.31 14.21 13.73
Ross Round 13.00 11.43 11.50 16.00 8.00-20.00 12.49 16.65 12.63 10.16
Wholesale Wax (Light) 7.60 7.92 6.94 7.13 7.50 4.50 5.38 3.00-10.00 7.15 6.27 7.08
Wholesale Wax (Dark) 5.42 7.98 6.38 6.88 3.50 3.00-10.00 6.43 5.76 5.87
Pollination Fee/Colony 100.00 71.17 97.50 177.00 180.00 117.50 50.00-250.00 111.93 108.44 85.89
Price of Nucs 192.50 189.17 160.63 177.77 203.33 210.00 178.33 87.50-257.50 183.97 190.42
Price of Packages 162.62 143.75 126.67 149.52 149.67 145.00 110.00-210.00 151.57 154.74

Please note: anywhere within each region that there is a ‘-‘ it is because no information was sent to us for that specific item in that region.

How do you compare to our honey reporters? All data collected is from March/April 2023.

Average Honey Flow Time and Amount per Region
Region 1:
Timing of Flow: Early
Amount of Flow: Average
Region 2:
Timing of Flow: Early
Amount of Flow: Average
Region 3:
Timing of Flow: Normal
Amount of Flow: Average
Region 4:
Timing of Flow: Early
Amount of Flow: Equally light and average
Region 5:
Timing of Flow: Late
Amount of Flow: Light
Region 6:
Timing of Flow: Late
Amount of Flow: Light
Region 7:
Timing of Flow: Late
Amount of Flow: Average

Top Blossoming Plants per Region
Region 1: Dandelion, Maple, Daffodil, Cherry
Region 2: Apple, Cherry, Red Bud, Dogwood, Henbit, Pear
Region 3: Blackberry, Poplar, Apple, Dandelion, Henbit, Privet, Tulip, Wildflowers
Region 4: Maple, Dandelion, Crocus, Fruit Trees, Red Bud, Trees
Region 5: Dandelion, Elm, Maple
Region 6: Apple, Dandelion, Wildflowers, Willow
Region 7: Daffodil, Dandelion, Maple

Overall Top Blossoming Plants
Dandelion, Maple, Apple, Henbit, Cherry, Red Bud, Blackberry, Crocus, Daffodil, Dogwood, Peach, Poplar, Tulip

Mite Treatment per Region
Region 1: Most used no mite treatment due to cold temperatures and Winter weather.
Region 2: Most used no mite treatment due to either cold Spring temperatures or the start of the honey flow.
Region 3: Most used no mite treatment due to the start of the honey flow.
Region 4: Most used no mite treatment due to cold temperatures and Winter weather.
Region 5: Most used a Formic product.
Region 6: Most used either a Formic product or no mite treatment due to the start of the honey flow.
Region 7: Most used an Amitraz product.

Names of Mite Treatment for Each Collected Category in the Honey Report
Oxalic Acid
– Oxalic Acid
– Api-Bioxal
Oxalic Vapor
– Oxalic acid applied as a vapor
Oxalic Dribble
– Oxalic acid applied as a dribble
– Oxalic acid applied in an extended release format
Formic Acid
– Mite-Away Quick Strips
– Formic Pro
– Formic Acid 65%
– Apiguard
– Thymovar
– Apivar
– Apistan
– Screen bottom board
– Brood removal
– Brood interruption
– Requeening with varroa resistance stock
– Beetle traps
– Treatment Free (not recommended)
– Not currently applying mite treatment due to honey flow, weather, temperature, etc.

We’ve added a couple new categories to the honey report we send every month. You can see those above.

For the blossoming and honey flow additions, for now, use it as a comparison. We collect the information about two months prior to the issue so see how you compare to our reporters! Eventually, after a year or two, we’re hoping this can be a helpful prediction tool, especially for eager new beekeepers!

With the addition of the mite treatment category, we felt it was important to talk about what that means, why it’s important and the correct way to use them.

Varroa mites and the Varroa Virus legacy will KILL your honey bees. In order to be a good manager of your honey bee colonies and reduce/stop losses from Varroa/Virus you, the beekeeper, need to be on your ‘game’ and be a Beekeeper not a Bee-haver.

The Honey Bee Health Coalition (HBHC) has developed the key educational outreach tool for Varroa control titled, Tools for Varroa Management, A Guide to Effective Varroa Sampling & Control. The latest edition can be found at https://honeybeehealthcoalition.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/HBHC-Guide_Varroa-Mgmt_8thEd-081622.pdf. It is based on Federal and State registered, legally approved products which require beekeepers to ALWAYS follow label directions. This is all you really need to successfully manage for Varroa control in your colonies. For more information about these products, look at the guide, or go to this month’s Study Hall (https://beeculture.com/study-hall-2/) for the most need to know information.

To the left is the map of our regions. All responses are collected from individuals within each region. If you are interested in becoming a report for Bee Culture, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/qai8NFY2th3a4c696

All reporters who are returning forms will receive a free subscription to Bee Culture! Questions? Email Emma@BeeCulture.com

See May 2023 Honey Price Report

See July 2023 Honey Price Report