January 2025 Regional Honey Price Report

January 2025 Regional Honey Price Report

Reporting Regions

Region 1
Region 2
Region 3
Region 4
Region 5
Region 6
Region 7
Extracted Honey Prices Sold Bulk to Packers or Processors
Last Month
Last Year
55 Gallon Drum – Light ($/lb) 2.15 3.55 2.97 1.91 2.30 2.40 3.75 1.75-3.75 2.72 2.72 2.95 2.88
55 Gallon Drum – Amber ($/lb) 2.03 3.45 2.91 2.50 2.33 3.75 1.50-3.75 2.76 2.76 3.01 2.77
60 Pound Light (Retail) 241.82 335.94 238.17 241.60 245.00 172.50 270.00 146.00-450.00 257.10 4.29 258.28 246.68
60 Pound Amber (Retail) 236.36 291.86 241.50 205.33 240.00 164.75 255.00 60.00-353.00 238.74 3.98 254.50 239.61
Wholesale Prices Sold to Stores or Distributors in Case Lots
1/2 Pound per Case of 24 118.05 117.47 116.00 93.75 73.68 90.00 60.00-180.00 109.17 9.10 103.43 99.18
1 Pound per Case of 24 162.76 213.17 181.75 148.60 178.28 131.92 96.00-350.00 168.87 7.04 172.32 160.86
2 Pound per Case of 12 131.45 108.63 179.67 129.71 173.76 156.00 10.00-288.00 140.83 5.87 143.31 149.49
12 Ounces Plastic per Case of 24 124.45 178.50 148.33 108.23 121.56 113.88 78.00-240.00 131.33 7.30 130.07 132.78
5 Pound per Case of 6 179.33 157.50 130.34 152.64 144.00 108.00-360.00 160.80 5.36 149.46 156.28
Quarts per Case of 12 255.00 217.88 238.20 187.59 196.56 206.94 480.00 122.00-480.00 223.99 6.22 205.59 196.06
Pints per Case of 12 136.50 135.84 143.50 115.25 152.16 135.00 240.00 72.00-270.00 140.45 7.80 144.81 125.14
Retail Shelf Prices
1/2 Pound 6.82 7.99 10.88 6.45 7.73 4.00 16.33 3.00-56.00 8.02 16.04 6.60 6.28
12 Ounces Plastic 9.04 10.05 8.36 7.01 8.19 8.50 10.00 4.29-15.00 8.70 11.60 8.44 8.23
1 Pound 11.20 12.61 10.50 9.55 10.02 11.61 15.67 6.00-24.00 11.41 11.41 11.02 10.50
2 Pound 19.66 22.26 18.46 17.49 21.55 17.50 30.33 8.00-40.00 19.89 9.95 18.80 18.40
Pint 13.94 14.70 12.38 14.20 16.25 18.75 18.67 6.99-30.00 14.62 9.75 15.49 12.74
Quart 24.91 24.84 24.80 23.32 22.60 27.67 27.80 11.20-45.00 24.70 8.23 24.83 22.22
5 Pound 36.09 38.30 37.87 30.75 34.93 31.00 17.97-60.00 34.69 6.94 35.68 37.61
1 Pound Cream 14.65 14.31 12.19 13.31 12.00 20.66 15.00 6.49-50.00 14.19 14.19 14.19 12.98
1 Pound Cut Comb 15.31 17.20 16.00 15.68 20.00 20.00 8.00-24.00 16.02 16.02 16.51 15.16
Ross Round 12.78 15.70 13.50 20.00 8.00-20.00 13.89 18.52 14.83 13.42
Wholesale Wax (Light) 7.27 7.83 7.85 7.57 7.00 6.83 3.00-10.00 7.45 7.80 7.68
Wholesale Wax (Dark) 5.90 7.13 6.54 5.22 4.00 2.50-10.00 6.21 6.57 6.43
Pollination Fee/Colony 80.71 100.71 89.00 175.00 175.00 121.10 102.33 50.00-225.00 104.69 115.00 108.10
Price of Packages 152.50 125.00 144.33 147.50 146.13 125.00-170.00 144.75 162.50 147.30

Please note: anywhere within each region that there is a ‘-‘ it is because no information was sent to us for that specific item in that region.

How do you compare to our honey reporters? All data collected is from October/November 2024.

Average Honey Flow Time and Amount per Region
Region 1:
Timing of Flow: Normal
Amount of Flow: Average
Region 2:
Timing of Flow: Normal
Amount of Flow:  Light
Region 3:
Timing of Flow: Normal
Amount of Flow: Light
Region 4:
Timing of Flow: Normal
Amount of Flow: Light
Region 5:
Timing of Flow: Equally normal and late
Amount of Flow: Light
Region 6:
Timing of Flow: Normal
Amount of Flow: Average
Region 7:
Timing of Flow: Normal
Amount of Flow: Average

Top Blossoming Plants per Region
Region 1: Aster, Witch Hazel, Goldenrod, Ragweed
Region 2: Goldenrod, Aster
Region 3: Goldenrod, Spanish Needle, Ragweed
Region 4: Aster
Region 5: Not enough data was provided to conclusively decide what the top blossoming plants were in this region.
Region 6: Not enough data was provided to conclusively decide what the top blossoming plants were in this region.
Region 7: Not enough data was provided to conclusively decide what the top blossoming plants were in this region.

Overall Top Blossoming Plants
Goldenrod, Aster, Witch Hazel, Ragweed, Dandelion, Clover, Spanish Needle

Mite Treatment per Region
Region 1: Most used is either an Oxalic Acid product or no mite treatment.
Region 2: Most used no mite treatment.
Region 3: Most used no mite treatment.
Region 4: Most used no mite treatment.
Region 5: Most used is an Oxalic Acid product.
Region 6: Most used is an Oxalic Acid product.
Region 7: Most used either an Oxalic Vapor product or no mite treatment.

To the left is the map of our regions. All responses are collected from individuals within each region. If you are interested in becoming a report for Bee Culture, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/qai8NFY2th3a4c696

All reporters who are returning forms will receive a free subscription to Bee Culture! Questions? Email Stephanie@BeeCulture.com

See December 2024 Honey Price Report