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Becky Masterman earned a PhD in entomology at the University of Minnesota and is currently a host for the Beekeeping Today Podcast. Bridget Mendel joined the Bee Squad in 2013 and led the program from 2020 to 2023. Bridget holds a B.A. from Northwestern University and an M.F.A. from the University of Minnesota. Photos of Becky (left) and Bridget (right) looking for their respective hives. If you would like to contact the authors with your counting stories, please send an email to
Minding Your Bees and Cues
When Beekeepers Meet
By: Becky Masterman & Bridget Mendel
Meeting with Minnesota Beekeepers
The Minnesota Honey Producers Association* (MHPA) doesn’t like to meet alone anymore. After the tremendous success of the 2023 Tri-State Beekeepers Convention (Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota), MHPA Vice President Liz Renstrom found another adjacent state we could bond with over beekeeping. The resulting joint MHPA-Wisconsin Honey Producers Association (WHPA) meeting was held in Saint Paul, Minnesota this past July. It was another meeting to remember. There were awards, friendly competition, and of course, plenty of talk about bears. And bees. Most importantly, beekeepers from the two border states came together to learn about, discuss, and collaborate on all aspects of the beekeeping industry.
Two Mikes
The theme of the meeting weekend was Dr. Marla Spivak, leader of the University of Minnesota Bee Lab since 1992. Two of Spivak’s many PhD graduates now work for the USDA and both returned to Saint Paul to deliver keynote talks. Dr. Mike-Simone Finstrom, a Research Molecular Biologist from the USDA Baton Rouge, Louisiana Bee Lab gave two talks sharing work on honey bee breeding and the use of propolis to protect colonies. Dr. Mike Goblirsch is now a USDA Research Entomologist stationed at the Thad Cochran Southern Horticultural Research Laboratory in Poplarville, Mississippi. Dr. Goblirsch presented one talk on his groundbreaking honey bee cell line research and another on the toxic effects of yellow jessamine nectar.

Joint state beekeeping meetings help organizations leverage and share resources, promote healthy competition, and provide great opportunities for beekeeper networking. Graphic Design: Anne Turnham
Honoring Marla
Dr. Spivak was recognized as the 2024 MHPA Beekeeper of the Year. Mr. Gary Reuter, Spivak’s Research Technician and Apiary Manager for most of her UMN tenure, gave the award address. While Reuter’s delivery was filled with many stories and prompted much laughter, he delivered on sincerity and recognizing Spivak’s contribution to the UMN Bee Lab and beekeepers across the country. Mark Sundberg, current MHPA President, shared Marla Fun Facts throughout the weekend, and many of us had fun watching Marla look embarrassed (for someone so famous, she remains uncomfortable with fame). While her research on hygienic behavior in honey bees is important, her status as an Aikido Black Belt, or the snow boots she wore to her 1991 UMN job interview, might be more important for the historic record. After all, we remember one of her predecessors, Dr. Haydak, not only for his research, but for his experimental milk and honey-only diet (he got scurvy).
Big Check
The MHPA conventions are starting to get a generous reputation. In 2023, the Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota beekeepers and the bee industry raised $66,000 for Bee and Butterfly Fund Habitat projects in the tri-state area. This year, the MHPA donated $100,000 towards the now fully funded University of Minnesota Honey Bee Endowed Chair. The five-million-dollar endowment will ensure that the UMN always has a honey bee professor leading the Bee Lab. Spivak’s retirement at the end of 2024 and this endowment mean that the search for a replacement will soon commence and the Bee Lab will continue its history as a leader in honey bee research, education, and outreach. The MHPA plans on continuing its support of the UMN Bee Lab and are looking forward to what the next honey bee professor may bring to the table. Hint to potential applicants: wear snow boots!

L to R: Gary Reuter presenting the MHPA Beekeeper of the Year Award to Dr. Marla Spivak.
Dr. Marla Spivak delivered a talk about Bee Lab and MHPA history. Stephanie Slater, organizer of the Black Jar Border Battle Honey Tasting Contest, Jeff Charnes (overall winner), and Charlie Koehnen (WI winner). Below: The MHPA presented the Bee Lab with a big check ($100,000) towards the newly established UMN Endowed Honey Bee Chair position.
Sweet Competition
What’s a Minnesota-Wisconsin meeting without a sweet and friendly competition? Convention attendees tasted and voted all weekend to determine which beekeeper brought the tastiest honey to the meeting. A huge congratulations to the Minnesota Honey Producers Association -Wisconsin Honey Producers Association Black Jar Honey Tasting Contest champion and Border Battle Winter, Jeff Charnes of Minnesota. A hearty congrats goes to Charlie Koehnen for 1st place Black Jar Honey Tasting Winner from Wisconsin.
Bear Crazy
Minnesota and Wisconsin beekeepers have a common emerging challenge: bears. The black bear population is growing in both states and beekeepers are finding that protecting their colonies from damage and death by bears is increasingly difficult. After learning that Wisconsin Honey Producers had a Bear Advisory Committee, Minnesota Honey Producers formed their own group. The Bear Committee Chairs from the two states were given program time to update the attendees on their progress. James Hillmeyer of Wisconsin shared the work their committee has done to protect apiaries from bear attacks. Highlights include collecting beekeeper reported bear damage data and working with governmental agencies for electric fencing support. Wes Hull from Minnesota shared the organization’s website page that was put together to highlight available resources. The two Bear Chairs answered audience questions and discussed next steps that include a more detailed bear damage loss reporting form and potential legislative efforts to help protect apiaries.
The next MHPA meeting is scheduled for July 10-12 in 2025. Our keynote speaker is Dr. Lewis Bartlett from the University of Georgia. We are meeting in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Without a bordering state nearby, we are going to go it alone. If you are a beekeeper who has always wanted to visit the great state of Minnesota, you are officially invited to attend our summer meeting. Like the bees, we know no bounds.
*Both Masterman and Mendel are active members of the Minnesota Honey Producers Association.