Introducing the Honey Integrity Act!

The American Honey Producers Association is proud to announce the introduction of the Honey Integrity Act this week. For the past year, in partnership with Representative Steube (R-FL), Senator Tuberville (R-AL) and Representative Panetta (D-CA), we have worked hard to craft a bill that will bring fairness back to honey markets.

Under the legislation, the FDA would develop a detailed standard of identity for honey and require packers to report their findings to the agency whenever they detect an adulterated product. FDA, CBP, and USDA will all share resources under the legislation for detection, testing, and enforcement purposes.

“The American Honey Producers Association applauds Representative Steube (R-FL), Senator Tuberville (R-FL), and Representative Panetta (D-CA) for introducing the Honey Integrity Act.  For years, America’s beekeepers have sought adequate protections against adulteration of the honey supply on behalf of consumers and beekeepers alike.  This legislation takes critical steps forward in addressing adulteration so that consumers can be confident that their honey is natural, wholesome and healthy.  The legislation will also help level the playing field for honest American beekeepers who have had to compete against adulterated products for too many years.  We look forward to working with Congress and FDA in implementing this common-sense legislation to restore fairness in the marketplace and certainty for the consumer.”

– Steven Coy, President, American Honey Producers Association

Anne Marie Fauvel
Program Director
American Honey Producers’ Association