Indiana Bee School XXIII

2025 Bee School will be held on February 22th, 2025 at Horizon Convention Center in Muncie, Indiana. Dr. Zachary Lamas and Dan Winter will be our Keynote Speakers.


Dr. Zachary Lamas received his doctorate in entomology at the University of Maryland.  His talks with be on Varroa and the impact on our honeybees.  He is the recipient of the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) from USDA.


Our second keynote speaker, Dan Winter, has been keeping bees since he was eight years old and is a third generation beekeeper.  Dan spends much of his time on the road between New York and Florida.


The breakout sessions include “Selecting and Breeding Your Own Bees”, “Grow a Business From Hobby to Sideliner”, “Sustainable Beekeeping”, “Treatments for Varroa”, “Calendar of a Beekeeper”, and “Collecting Pollen”.

In addition to the educational sessions, we’ll have our raffle, live auction and silent auction again.  Many vendors will be on-hand with a variety of products and supplies for both show and to purchase.

The cost to attend is the same as it’s been for several years now: $50 for members, $65 for non-members and all registrations include a buffet lunch.  Our goal is to make it affordable for our beekeepers to attend. All children 15 and under are only $25.

We will again have an all-day Beginner Class.  It will be held at the same time as the conference.  The cost for the Beginner Class is $55 for members and $65 for non-members and includes the buffet lunch.


Pre-registration is required for either school.  The dead line to per-register is February 16th, 2025.

We have arranged a special rate ($119) at the Courtyard Marriot that is attached to the conference center.  It’s great to walk inside if the temperature is half of what it is now.

For information about location, speakers, topics, vendors, hotels and how to register, go to our website at: