First Cohort of Beekeepers Certifies in the Oregon Master Beekeeper Program in Spanish

First Cohort of Beekeepers Certifies in the Oregon Master Beekeeper Program in Spanish

The OSU Master Beekeeper Program has educated approximately 3000 beekeepers since 2012. Participants are presented with science-based information on honey bee biology and management, and the program emphasizes hands-on experience to complement their training. In 2022, the program began offering classes and field days in Spanish. Spanish-speaking beekeepers can view classes online and they receive hands-on training at quarterly field days. If the participant completes the classes, attends the field days, and passes the exam, they can certify at the Primeros Pasos (Getting Started) level in the Oregon Master Beekeeper Program.

We are proud to announce our first Spanish-speaking beekeepers that certified in the Primeros Pasos level: Elena Chavarría-Correa, Luz Fandino, Gregoria Gomez, Carmen Solano, Carlos Valdes, and Elva Webster. Congratulations!

Pictured left to right: Carmen Solano, Luz Fandino, Gatlin Fasone Alshuyukh, Elva Webster, Carolyn Breece, Joussy Hidrobo Chavez

The OMB Program in Spanish is gaining momentum. New participants are signing up and events are being hosted through Huerto de la Familia in Eugene, Oregon. In addition, OSU’s monthly Friday in the Apiary event will include a Spanish-speaking group for additional hands-on experience.

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