Mike Studer
The Tennessee Department of Agriculture Apiary Program currently has 6 part-time inspectors and one full time State Apiarist. To supplement the high need for inspections, the TN Apiary Program has a Local Area Beekeeper’s Association Inspector Program that trains members of beekeeping associations to inspect and certify hives for movement within the state. All bees for sale or movement are required to be inspected and have a health certificate prior to sale or movement within, through, into, or out of the state. Any bees coming into the state are required to have an entry permit. Apiary Registration is mandatory in Tennessee and there are 6,673 registered beekeepers in the state who manage 39,733 hives. Like many other states that require registration, the primary purpose is to control regulated diseases. It is important to know where colonies are so if a regulated disease is found, beekeepers in the area can be informed quickly and all colonies within 8 miles of the disease can be easily located to control any spread of the disease and protect the industry.
The majority of beekeepers in Tennessee are hobbyist beekeepers, however there are several hundred sideliner beekeepers and around 20 commercial beekeepers. Commercial beekeepers are located in central and west Tennessee, whereas sideliner beekeepers and hobbyist beekeepers are located across the state. The primary beekeeping season in Tennessee is March through October. Cucurbits, beans, fruit trees, berries and other vegetables are the major crops in need of honey bee pollination.
The State Apiarist position is primarily regulatory but also includes some educational and consultation responsibilities. The State Apiarist assists the State Apiculturist at the University of Tennessee, and Local Extension Agents with beekeeper educational programs. The State Apiarist also sits on several oversite committees: 1) The Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement Program (TAEP) Committee that oversees Tennessee Department of Agriculture grants to beekeepers and other producers to enhance their business. 2) The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation/Tennessee Department of Agriculture State Parks Honey Bee Program which advises and oversees honey bee education programs currently established in 28 State Parks. 3) The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation/Tennessee Department of Agriculture/Tennessee Department of Transportation Pollinator Habitat Program which has created pollinator habitat and pollinator education programs in four State Parks.