American Honey Producers Association – Happy Extracting Season!

Happy Extracting season!

Which economic factor is most interesting to talk about these days?   Corporate tech companies becoming brokers for almond pollination, inflation rates we have not seen in a generation, or honey price?  Presidential politics have been bland and predictable this summer.   So maybe we should Google GeoCure or Trillion Bees and see if we can find anything interesting.

Extraction days are made of these – Photo Credit: Anne Marie Fauvel

There is very good news in the preliminary ruling on Argentina and Vietnam.  Maybe a 50% tariff on Argentina and 100% plus on Vietnam.  The reviews and appeals are a long process but it certainly looks like another loophole or two were closed.  The reviews are also expensive, remember to send in a penny or two per pound on this crop.  We hope we get good rulings on India and Brazil when the final results come out at the end of the year.  Last year’s price was all over the board with over $1.00 difference in price being paid for substantially the same grade of honey.   Everyone has had a year to digest the market so I would expect that the spread in prices offered and accepted will be tighter than last fall.

Other pressures on price?   Container shipping cost has almost tripled recently.  Hive counts might be down just a touch after a tough spring in several states.  Bad weather flooded bees by the semi load and generally interfered with beekeeping.  The soft honey price has also taken a little wind out of beekeepers’ sails and we may have collectively pulled back just a touch on chasing this summer honey crop.  But the number of barrels stacked in beekeepers’ storage buildings could be higher than usual and the crop seems to be coming in okay around ND.  Maybe there will be an October surprise that helps out the honey price.

Get the crop in safely!

Ryan Lamb
AHPA Executive Committee