1st Year Hive Tasks

By: Ann Harman

This article originally appeared in the Autumn 2018 issue of BEEKeeping Your First Three Years

• Monitor queen performance.

Feeding, sugar syrup and maybe even a protein substitute may be necessary.

• If original queen has not increased colony numbers, plan on requeening no later than end of August or the very beginning of September, depending on your climate.

• If colony is weak examine for disease or other conditions.

• If queen performance is poor, a weak colony can be combined with a strong one; eliminate weak colony queen.

• Plan your hive inspections for minimum time to avoid robbing.

• Monitor drawing out comb.

• Packages and nucs started in Spring should be in completed hives with all comb drawn out by end of July.

• A water source is important. Bees can use 1 to 2 gallons of water a day for regulating hive temperature and to provide a drink for the bees.

• Be a Weather Watcher and a Plant Watcher.

• If drought or dearth of flowers then feed 1:1 sugar syrup if needed.

• If feeding syrup, put feed on all colonies to prevent robbing.

• Always feed syrup inside the hive, not at the entrance.

• Keep grass and weeds mowed to give bees easy flight from the hive.

Keep your beeyards free of weeds to avoid getting tangled up and tripping, especially when carrying equipment.

• Check yourself for ticks acquired from grass and weeds.

• Switch feed to 2:1 sugar syrup in September.

• Check the beeyard after heavy thunderstorms and high winds.

• Monitor Varroa population and control if more than 3 mites per hundred bees are found.

• If choosing a treatment, read the miticide label carefully. Monitor daytime temperatures. Follow label instructions!

• Action against mites is essential in July/early August.

• Look for small hive beetles; check underside of pollen patties.

• Use beetle traps or other means of control.

Control mites in your bees. If using a treatment, choose carefully, and follow label instructions.

• The bees’ New Year begins August first. Celebrate if all is well!